• Why Homeschool Community Matters

    Courtney Hutson Wednesday August 30 2023

    For over thirty years LIGHT Homeschool Support Group has been bringing families together through creating a supportive homeschool community. But why? Why have individuals and families given their time, talent, and resources to create community? Why have those same people invested effort into growing the community and making sure that it survives longer than just the years each individual will be a part? In short, because community matters, and in our case, homeschool community matters!

    By definition, community is a feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.  Members of LIGHT all desire to be successful in the homeschooling journey to which God has called them.  Because of this commonality, LIGHT is a place where homeschooling parents can glean encouragement by listening to other parents who have been where they are, a place where wisdom abounds from those who have navigated homeschooling for many years, and camaraderie is found amidst discussions of shared struggles and triumphs. Participation in the LIGHT community gives a sense of belonging to homeschool parents who might otherwise feel alone on their journey. Though the families that comprise the LIGHT membership are diverse, hearts are bound by their common pursuits.

    The many different backgrounds, talents, and life experiences each family has to offer are another reason that the LIGHT community is important.  The old saying, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”, comes to mind.  At each LIGHT gathering, new ideas, tips, and help are shared often just through casual conversation.  Small pieces of wisdom can affect great change in your homeschool.  Through the weekly co-op that LIGHT offers, the diversity of the parents particularly shines.  While one parent might not have any idea how to teach their child to crochet, any interest in helping their child dissect a frog for biology, or the slightest idea how to instruct their child in learning video game design, there’s a parent in LIGHT who does and is willing to invest their knowledge into teaching your children.

    Having the chance to serve others is perhaps one of the things that makes the LIGHT community the greatest. Each time LIGHT members are together; they have the chance to use whatever gift they’ve been given to minister to and encourage others in Christ. (I Thessalonians 5:11; I Peter 4:10) What a privilege to give to others, and an added blessing to be the recipient of another’s gift!

    If you’re in the OKC metro area and have been on your homeschooling journey alone, you don’t have to be! The LIGHT community would love to come beside you to help and encourage you in your homeschool journey.  If you are already a member of a homeschool community but haven’t been involved, involve yourself! Different seasons of life and life circumstances can limit the time and energy we have to invest, but never underestimate the blessing you can be by giving what you can. You just might find the sense of community you didn’t know you needed!