The Collins Family


Our family has had a very nomadic lifestyle as a ministry family. We have served as missionaries who lived out of the country, as lay people in the church, and as pastor and family to a church. We have homeschooled our 3 children for 15 years and have moved 12 times in those years. Adjustments always happen when you move, which can cause stress, especially for children. However, since we homeschool, we have been able to maintain consistency with flexibility that has helped our kids adapt to new surroundings and embrace making new friends without the added stress of being the "new kids" in school. Instead, the hub of activity has been our home where the kids are inviting new people to our home where everyone becomes family. Even though our children have not been involved in any extracurricular activities outside of the church, they are quick to get involved where they can and make new friends wherever we are. Homeschooling definitely has its challenges, but the benefits and blessings far outweigh the difficult moments.

LIGHT has been such a blessing to our family. We were a little lonely before finding this group, but now we have so many friends. The classes are great, but the friendly interaction between the families makes our family so thankful for LIGHT.

— The Collins Family